Home Poultry Antimicrobial Use Stewardship Principles – Life Line Feeds & KPFBA

Antimicrobial Use Stewardship Principles – Life Line Feeds & KPFBA


Antimicrobial Use Stewardship Principles – Life Line Feeds & KPFBA


Transformational Strategies for Farm Output Risk Mitigation (TRANSFORM) is a United States Agency of International Development (USAID) funded project led by Cargill with collaborating partners including the International Poultry Council (IPC) and Heifer International. The antimicrobial use stewardship principles were developed by the IPC to drive global change throughout the animal agriculture industry by guiding actions to avoid the need to use, but when needed, ensure proper use of antimicrobials. By generating support from the global poultry industry of science-based principles to address antimicrobial use, the industry is acting to combat antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and reduce its impact on global health security.

Antimicrobial use stewardship recognition – private sector leadership

TRANSFORM is pleased that private sector leaders recognize the need to act in advancing antimicrobial use stewardship principles. Through 06 May 2024, 26 private sector organizations have acted to support the stewardship principles, reaching over 140 countries, and representing over 40% of global poultry meat production spanning all sectors of poultry production from fully integrated systems to small farms.

We are extremely pleased to announce that Life Line Feeds (India) Pvt Ltd. is adopting and Karnataka Poultry Farmers and Breeders Association (KPFBA) is endorsing the antimicrobial use stewardship principles. On behalf of Life Line Feeds the MD of company Mr. Kishore Kumar Hegde signed the certificate in the presence of Dr Subramanya Bhat, Vice President, Mr. Arjun Hegde, Director, Mr. Nandan Hegde, Director and Dr Jeetendra Verma, IPC India Lead.

Karnataka Poultry Farmers and Breeders Association (KPBFA)also endorses the IPC Principles on AMU Stewardship and the certificate was signed by the Secretary of KPFBA Mr. MSV Prasad in the presence of Mr. Naveen Pasuparthy, President, Dr Harsha Kumar Shetty, Chairperson, Technical Committee, Mr. HN Rajsekar, Treasurer of KPBFA along with Dr Palinisamy, GM VHL, Dr G Gopal Reddy, Secretary IVPI and Dr Jeetendra Verma of IPC.

By adopting or endorsing the principles, organizations are committed to encouraging or taking action that centers around four key points. First, organizations agree to take a risk-based approach around each instance of antimicrobial use and consider why, when, which and how much to administer. Second, organizations agree to adopt farm management practices that improve animal health and would reduce the need for antimicrobial use. Third, organizations commit to using antimicrobials only in compliance with national authorizations and, fourth, that antimicrobials critically important for human medicine should only be used under a supervising veterinarian’s diagnosis and oversight.