Home Poultry Announcement Biosint Nutraceuticals Welcomes Dr. Prasad Kulkarni

Biosint Nutraceuticals Welcomes Dr. Prasad Kulkarni


Dr. Prasad Kulkarni has joined Biosint Nutraceuticals. He is associated with the animal nutrition industry for the last 21 years and carries a technocratic view of the animal farming business.

His expertise and experience in the different domains of the farming business alike the breeding business, feed supplements, disinfectants, diagnostics & biological products helped him to build his technocratic perspective.

Being a veterinarian and passionate for animal agriculture pursued good techno-commercial insight for the farming business while working with leading poultry breeding companies like Venky’s and Suguna. His work experience with Globion India Private limited & Ceva Sante Animale, helped him to promote laboratory diagnostics tools like Elisa kits (BioChek) in order to support poultry health consultants. This strategy helped farmers control various disease outbreaks through sero-profiling services and further designing the appropriate vaccination schedule for disease prevention. His expertise in on-farm management, while working with Ceva-Polchem helped them design & executing the appropriate biosecurity protocols of the hatchery, breeder, broiler, and commercial layer farms. His caliber of Project management is well utilized by Camlin Fine Sciences launching and running the feed supplement project successfully.

We at Biosint Nutraceuticals are strong believers of exploring and optimizing the potential of each nutrient for specific purposes through our Research and development farms. Today our state of art manufacturing facility and service support are imprinting our quality footprint in southern India &Singapore as well. Professionals like Dr. Prasad Kulkarni further will expand this expertise to Asia and other continents of the globe.

We Welcome Dr. Prasad Kulkarni onboard as a director, sales, and marketing and wish him all the luck in taking these product solutions to the animal farming community for improving productivity, through his technical expertise and leadership skills.