Home Poultry Articles Carbohydrases and intestinal health in poultry

Carbohydrases and intestinal health in poultry

Gut health can be defined as the ability of the gut to perform normal physiological functions and to maintain homeostasis and thus supporting its ability to withstand infections and non-infectious

1 Carbohydrases and intestinal health in poultry
1 Carbohydrases and intestinal health in poultry

1 Introduction

1 Gut health can be defined as the ability of the gut to perform normal physiological functions and

2 to maintain homeostasis and thus supporting its ability to withstand infections and non-infectious

3 effective digestion and absorption of food, a stable gut microbial population, structure and function

4 of the gut barrier, and effective function of the immune system, all of which play a critical role in

5 gut physiology, the productivity of the animal and its well-being. Over the past two decades, this

6 topic has gained even more interest in poultry production due to increasing demands for economic

7 efficiency, animal welfare, food safety, reduction in environmental impacts, and a ban on or

8 avoidance of antibiotic growth promoters (AGPs) use (Morgan, 2017). The exogenous enzymes

9 are capable of reducing the variability in feed ingredients and enhance the feed digestibility

10 availing more nutrients for absorption and thus reduce digesta viscosity. Recently the enzyme

11 culture has gained immense value in poultry industry and this has led to development of more

12 potential enzyme combinations to target specific substrates in feed and also complement to

13 endogenous enzymes. In this article, the role of exogenous enzymes emphasizing particularly

14 carbohydrase on gut health in poultry is mainly depicted.

15  Factors responsible for gut health impairment

16 The common aspects affecting broiler gut health are stress, exogenous infection, diet and water

17 etc.  Recently,  with  the  advancement  of  exogenous  enzyme  study,  more  studies  have  been

18 conducted on the impairment factors of the intestinal health of broilers focusing on phytic acid,

19 non-starch polysaccharides (NSPs).

20 Non-starch polysaccharides, together with resistant starch and lignin called the dietary fiber, are

21 found in plants especially in the endospermic cell wall of multiple kinds of seeds (Lovegrove et

22 al., 2017). NSPs can be divided into soluble and insoluble fractions. Soluble NSPs when fed in

23 bulk amount increase the viscosity of intestinal contents by making viscous gels which decrease

24 the rate of diffusion of endogenous digestive enzymes and substrates with hampered interaction at

25 the mucosal surface (Raza et al., 2019). This increased viscosity also induces thickening of the

26 mucous layer in the intestine (Hedemann et al., 2009) hampering the digestion and absorption of

27 nutrients in the intestinal tract. It has been estimated that 400-450 kcal of digestible energy per kg

28 of feed remains undigested due to the NSP contents present in corn-soybean meal diets (Cowieson,

29 2010). On the other hand, insoluble NSP present in the cell wall entrap starch, protein and other

30 nutrients inside called “cage effect” and hinder the access of endogenous enzymes to digestible

31 nutrients (Bedford and Partridge, 2010).

32  Carbohydrases

33 The major barriers of the intestinal tract are mucus layer and tight junctions (TJ) of the epithelium

34 as illustrated in Fig. 1b. Intestinal morphology (villus height, crypt depth and epithelial turnover

35 rate) changes in response to exogenous agents, for example, presence or absence of food and

36 pathological conditions (Gomide Junior et al., 2004). Deeper crypts indicate faster tissue turnover

37 as  they  contain  stem  cells  and  considered  villus  factories  (Awad  et  al.,  2009).  Intestinal

38 mucins/mucous are high molecular weight glycoproteins secreted by goblet cells. In chickens,

39 mucin-2 is observed to be extensively expressed in goblet cells of colon and small intestine

40 (Smirnov et al., 2005). NSP have been shown to increase mucin secretion (Tanabe et al., 2006) as

41 illustrated in Fig. 1c. Therefore, NSP lessen the digestion and absorption of nutrients through its

42 physicochemical effect in the intestinal tract. As a result of high fiber diets, undigested/unabsorbed

43 nutrients change in microbial populations in the gut (Bird et al., 2007; Choct et al., 1999;

44 Mathlouthi et al., 2002). Langhout (2000) observed that dietary NSP considerably decrease

45 beneficial  bacteria  while  increases  intestinal  populations  of  pathogenic  bacteria.  Exogenous

46 enzymes improve digestion in the small intestine and reduce the amount of substrate availability

47 for putrefactive and starch utilizing bacteria in the large intestine. Also enzymes help in the disease

48 prevention by to reducing digesta viscosity (Pluske et al., 1997) as illustrated in Fig. 1d. Xylanase

49 and glucanase supplementation in barley, wheat, oats, and rye based diets significantly raised

50 caecal butyrate and acetate concentrations, but such effect was absent in hull-less varieties of

51 barley and oats (Jozefiak et al., 2006). Degradation and solubilisation of NSP by feed enzyme

52 increases available substrates (oligosaccharides or mono-saccharides) for microbial fermentation

53 in the cecum (Cadogan & Choct, 2015), and results in decreased VFA/SCFA production in the

54 ileum suggesting decreased fermentation whereas caecal fermentation markedly increased. The

55 increment  in  caecal  fermentation  resulted  an  influx  of  xylo-oligosaccharides  (XOS)  which

56 produces VFA/SCFA and energy from indigestible substrates and often leads to a healthier

57 microflora (lactic acid bacteria, LAB) (Jia et al., 2009). Therefore, the NSP fraction supplemented

58 with EFE represents another potential energy reservoir to increase the performance of broilers if

59 rendered fermentable.

60 Xylanase is a non-starch polysaccharide (NSP) degrading enzyme which cleaves the internal β-

61 xylosidic glycosidic linakges of linear xylan chains to xylo-oligosaccharides (Jompengmuengbout

62 et al. 2009), resulting in a mixture of arabinose-substituted xylo-oligosaccharides (arabinoxylan-

63 oligosaccharides,  AXOS)  and  non-substituted  xylo-oligosaccharides.  As  an  energy  source,

64 probiotics  (beneficial  bacteria  like  Lactococcus,  Lactobacillus  and  bifidobacterium)  have

65 significantly    higher    XOS     utilization    efficiency      than    pathogenic    bacteria,      especially

66 bifidobacterium which is comparable to glucose in XOS utilization efficiency. Secondly, SCFAs

67 are mainly produced by beneficial microorganism and, thirdly, SCFAs can improve pH values in

68 gut  and  contribute  to  a  suitable  environment  for  beneficial  microbes  which  prefer  acidic

69 environment, also serves as an energy source for intestinal epithelial cells. So, the XOS can be

70 utilised more efficiently and it also potentiates the activity of endogenous digestive enzyme and

71 reduces the availability of indigestible substrates for microbial growth and as a result digesta

72 viscosity is decreased leading to reduced microbial populations in the upper tract and there is

73 reduced loss of endogenous amino acids through modifications to pancreatic amylase and mucin

74 secretion (Cowieson and Bedford 2009). The prebiotic effects of XOS also include optimisation

75 of  colon  function,  alter  the  amount  and  ratio  of  SCFAs  and  thus  providing  more  energy,

76 augmenting mineral absorption, immune stimulation and increased ileal villus length (Kiarie et al.

77 2014). Also, researches have shown that xylanase supplementation can improve chicken immunity

78 (Gao et al., 2007), reduce the detrimental effect of Salmonella typhimurium infection (Vandeplas

79 et al., 2009; Amerah et al., 2012), or alleviate the intestinal mucosal barrier impairment of broiler

80 chickens challenged by Clostridium perfringens (Liu et al., 2012).

81 Soybean meal (SBM) is a primary source of vegetable protein that contains 3% soluble NSP and

82 16% insoluble NSP (Irish and Balnave, 1993), consisting mainly of mannans and galactomannans

83 (Slominski, 2011). Beta-mannan (β-mannan), also referred to as beta-galactomannan (βGAL), is

84 a polysaccharide that has repeating units of mannose containing galactose and/or glucose (Hsiao

85 et al., 2006). Although βGAL content of SBM is in relatively low concentrations, it is a concern

86 for nutritionists due to the presence of anti-nutritive properties (Arsenault et al., 2017). ß-mannan

87 has a molecular structure similar to some pathogens, which may trigger immune stimulation.

88 Acemannan (ß-1,4-acetylated mannan) induced the activation of macrophages via increasing the

89 nitric oxide synthase level at transcription level as reported by Ramamoorthy et al. (1996). Karaca

90 et al. (1995) reported that nitric oxide acts as a cytostatic effector in the removal of viral replication

91 and is proposed to be toxic for tumor cells (Karupiah et al., 1993). The response of this complex

92 to  ß-mannan  containing  compounds  could  lead  to  losses  in  dietary  energy  utilization.

93 Supplementation of ß-mannanase improved the utilization of dietary energy in corn-soya diet in

94 broiler chickens (Li et al., 2010) as well as layers (Wu et al., 2005) (Saeed et al., 2019).

95 Conclusion

96 Diets with higher soluble NSP increase intestinal viscosity and reduce nutrient digestibility and

97 have negative impact on the bird’s health and performance. Exogenous NSPase enables digestion

98 process of a broad range of dietary fibers lowering intestinal viscosity and competition between

99 host and microbiota for SCFA in the small intestine and improve digestibility of nutrients.

100 Therefore there is an overall improvement in intestinal health and load of pathogenic microbes.

101 Fig 1. Fibers, EFE and intestinal health. (a) poultry bird, (b) intestinal lumen presenting normal goblet cells, TJ proteins, mucous layer, feed,

102 beneficial cells and enterocytes, (c) intestinal lumen presenting highly viscous environment with increased mucous, undigested feed, competition

103 of host and microbiota for SCFA in small intestine, (d) intestinal lumen presenting carbohydrases, normal mucous, beneficial bacteria and digested

104 feed. (Adapted from Raza et al., 2019)

  1. Dr. Preeti Puspa Mohanty
  2. Technical Marketing Manager, CJ Bio