Home Poultry CLFMA Webinar in association with AICOSCA was scheduled on the topic “Decorticated...

CLFMA Webinar in association with AICOSCA was scheduled on the topic “Decorticated Cottonseed Meal (A Rich Source of Protein) for Milch Cattle, Poultry and Aqua”


1) Mr. Neeraj Kumar Srivastava (Chairman – CLFMA OF INDIA) – Opening Remark
2) Shri Sandeep Bajoria (Chairman – AICOSCA) – Opening Remark
3) Shri R. D. Bohra (Hon. Treasurer – AICOSCA)
4) Dr. S. V. Rama Rao (Directorate of Poultry Research)
5) Dr. R. H. Balasubramanya (Principal Scientist (Retd.) – CIRCOT – ICAR) 6) Dr. D. Srinivas Kumar (Professor & Head – Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University)
7) Dr. Devender Hooda (Zonal President – North – CLFMA OF INDIA) 8) Mr. Suresh Deora (Honorary Secretary – CLFMA OF INDIA) – Concluding Remarks 9) Mr. Peravali Kotirao, Hon. Secretary, AICOSCA – Vote of Thanks

Dr. Devender Hooda

The webinar was moderated by Dr. Devender Hooda. On behalf of CLFMA and AICOSCA, Dr. Hooda welcomed all the speakers and the participants to the webinar. He said that, India is producing about 25% of the worlds cotton seed and it is a key ingredient for animal protein. The purpose of this webinar was to discuss in detail the importance of cottonseed meal, which is a rich source of protein for milch cattle, poultry and aqua.

Mr. Neeraj Kumar Srivastava

CLFMA Chairman Mr. Neeraj Kumar Srivastava delivered the Opening Remarks. He thanked all the participants, industry colleagues, CLFMA Members and eminent speakers for joining the webinar, which was jointly organized by CLFMA and AICOSCA. AICOSCA is the premier body of the Cotton Seed processing industry in the Country. CLFMA’s endeavour has always been to support the members and industry associates by bringing efficiency and improving performance at farm level thus contributing to sustainable livestock farming.
Mr. Srivastava highlighted that, our industry is facing severe protein challenges both in terms of quality and availability at right prices. Soya prices are on the higher trend and hence creating a huge impact on the cost of production of animal feeds thus incurring huge losses to the customers. He said that it is important to look into the possibilities of the using Cotton Seed Meal as feed for milch cattle, poultry and aqua. He thanked all the eminent speakers and the participants for joining the seminar.

Shri. Sandeep Bajoria

AICOSCA Chairman Shri. Sandeep Bajoria delivered the Opening Remarks and thanked all the participants for joining the Webinar. He also thanked the Speakers, all CLFMA eminent office bearers, CLFMA Members and participants. He explained in detail cotton seed meal, its yield, its importance in feed as alternate source of protein. He also talked about its production status of this year and scope of increasing availability of cotton seed meal. He insisted to use cotton seed meal as alternate raw material for reducing feeding cost and increasing efficiency. He said that, AICOSCA would answer all the queries related to usage of cotton seed meal as animal feed.

Shri. R. D. Bohra

The First Speaker of the Webinar was Shri. R. D. Bohra, Hon. Treasurer, AICOSCA, who has been associated with the cotton seed industry for the last 50 years. He gave very good insights about “Use of Cotton Seed Meal as a Protein Rich and Economical Feed Ingredient for Milch Cattle, Aqua and Poultry”. He said cotton seed industry has survived due to its’ large usage as fish feed.

Dr. S. V. Rama Rao

Second Speaker of the Webinar was Dr. S. V. Rama Rao, Principal Scientist (Nutrition), Directorate of Poultry Research, ICAR Directorate of Poultry Research, Hyderabad. He is a knowledgeable scientist in Poultry Science. Dr. S. V. Rama Rao delivered presentation on “Cottonseed Meal in Poultry Diet” – A Potential Alternate to Soybean Meal”, which was appreciated by all. He discussed about – What is protein? what is the ideal protein source that is available? what is the practical feasibility and limitations of using cotton seed meal in poultry? and how best we can make use of Cotton Seed Meal as a protein source in Poultry Diet. Some of the nutritional limitations of Cotton Seed Meal was also covered in his presentation. Overall it was a very informative session which was appreciated by all.

Dr. R. H. Balasubramanya

Third Speaker of the Webinar was Dr. R. H. Balasubramanya, Retd. Principal Scientist, Central Institute for Research on Cotton Technology (CIRCOT-ICAR). He presented on the topic, ‘Value Addition to Cottonseed By-Products” with emphasis on “Cottonseed Meal”. He explained in detail tray culture, fermentation, separate room for storage, sterilization process, feed mixture method to be adopted by small players, etc.

Dr. D. Srinivas Kumar

Fourth and the last speaker of the Webinar was Dr. D. Srinivas Kumar, Professor and Head, Department of Animal Nutrition, College of Veterinary Science, Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University, Garividi, Vizianagaram (Dist) and he delivered a presentation on “The Potential of Cottonseed Meal as Cattle Feed Ingredient” in detail. He presented that, Cotton is the fourth largest oil crop in the world after soybean, rapeseed and oil palm and India is the largest cotton producer in the world followed by China and USA. He presented the state-wise area production, productivity of cotton seed, major trading centre of cotton seed in India and explained in detail cotton seed meal, production status in India, advantages of cotton seed meal, it’s nutritive value in detail, nutrient composition and its by products from the cotton seed crushing, proximate principle and gossypol of Cotton Seed Meal(CSM) in comparison with Soybean Meal(SBM), mineral profile of CSM in comparison with SBM, Amino Acid Profile of CSM in comparison with SBM, Proximate principles and gossypol of cotton seed meal in comparison with cotton seed cake and he insisted that, CSM is a cheaper source of protein. He also discussed the comparisons of Cotton seed meal v/s other cotton seed by products, etc. After completion of the presentation by Dr. D. Srinivas Kumar, Forum was opened for the Q & A Session, questions asked by the participants were satisfactorily answered by the Speakers very well.

Mr. Peravali Kotirao

The Webinar ended with the summarization and vote of thanks by Mr. Peravali Kotirao, Hon. Secretary, AICOSCA. The Webinar was in association with AICOSCA was appreciated by the participants. Almost 242 registered for the said Webinar and 131 participants attended the Webinar.

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