HAP intends to expand its milk collection centres in outlying areas to ensure farmers have access to the facility and reap the true benefit of having such a facility in their own village, providing them with market access and contributing to the prosperity of our rural sector.
Hatsun Agro Product Ltd. (HAP), India’s leading private sector dairy company with brands like ‘Arokya,’ ‘Hatsun,’ and ‘Arun Icecreams,’ has announced procurement expansion plans in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, and Maharashtra. HAP operates over 3100 milk collection centres in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, and Maharashtra, benefiting farmers. HAP plans to aggressively expand its network of milk collection centres in these three states, allowing it to effectively serve over one lakh farmers.
Hatsun Agro Product Ltd obtains all of its milk directly from farmers and has invested heavily in procurement infrastructure over the years to effectively handle a large volume of milk.
HAP is India’s first dairy company to work on increasing farmer income by lowering production costs. The company has been working with universities to commercialise high-yielding, protein-rich hybrid Napier green fodder (kambu/bajra) varieties like Co-4 and Co-5.
Many HAP farmers have cut the cost of feeding their cows in half by growing Co-4 and Co-5 hybrid fodder. Labour costs have been significantly reduced by using cow dung as manure, brush-cutters to save harvesting labour, rain guns to reduce water consumption, and milking machines.