Home Poultry Articles IEC launches Vision 365 – 10 years Roadmap to increase Egg Production...

IEC launches Vision 365 – 10 years Roadmap to increase Egg Production & Consumption


Egg consumption worldwide has seen a steady trend and positive inclination. The international egg commission focuses on improving health worldwide as an egg, a source of protein, is unbeatable, both nutritionally and economically. Amidst the global pandemic, the demand for eggs has also risen for consumption to boost immunity.

Introduction of Vision 365 plan

Vision 365 is a 10-year plan launched by IEC to start up the full potential of eggs by developing the nutritional reputation of the egg globally. An egg can be made essential for health and included in people’s daily diet with the scientific approach.

Vision 365 plan was built on a firm belief in transforming the potential and reputation of eggs and promoting the power of eggs for doubling egg consumption by 2032.

Statistic of egg consumption and increasing demand

Egg production in the country has significantly increased, and India’s average per capita consumption of eggs is around 79 eggs per annum. India is currently the third egg-producing country accounting for 6% of the total production, after China and the USA. 

An egg is a wholesome, nutritious food with high nutrient density, and it provides an average of 12% of the Daily protein and a wide variety of other nutrients crucial for growth and good health.

Need for increasing egg production

Globally, the average consumption is 161 eggs per person per year. One of the significant challenges currently imposed is the huge gap between increasing eggs demand and stagnant supply. To fulfil the current need, the production level needs to be increased 4.7 folds current production.  

Eggs are not only used for raw consumption but also as a raw material to many other dairy products and secondary manufacturing sectors. The constant demand for eggs needs to be sustained by increased production. 

What can be done to increase production?

  • Large breeding infrastructural farms need to be developed and constructed for poultry breeding for egg productions. 
  • Temperature control and health monitoring to prevent diseases can reduce the rate of chicken mortality
  • Intensive and semi-intensive use of modern technology-oriented mechanisms need to be undertaken. 
  • Industries engaged in egg production and supply can take subsidize under government schemes to boost production
  • Availing nutrition and rich feed to the poultry for nourished and nutritious eggs. 
  • Encouraging and spreading awareness amongst small-scale poultry farmers to rear poultry through intensive farming, semi- scavenging (or semi-intensive), and scavenging through government schemes. 

The production boosting can give immense opportunity to decrease the overall cost of production and increase profits at all levels.