Home Poultry Editorial Importance of Bio-Security In Poultry Production

Importance of Bio-Security In Poultry Production


Poultry farms across the country need to maintain the basic sanitary conditions essential for healthy birds and hygienic products.

Diseases are produced by micro-organisms which are universal and single organisms reproduce and multiply a number of times. Disease incidences are higher in old and densely populated poultry farms.


Bio-security is of immense help to reduce disease hazards and improve the health and productivity of birds. Optimum and profitable poultry production can be achieved by reducing disease risk to the minimum extent. Biosecurity means a set of measures designed to maintain a flock at particular health status and to prevent the entry (or exit) of specific infectious agents. These measures should be applied in general in all animal production systems.

Its implementation is invaluable and brings great benefits. Within biosecurity, there are approaches in each process or area that also facilitate the execution of activities while making them safe for personnel and production birds.

Good biosecurity is key in preventing the infection from getting into the farms.

Strict biosecurity measures along with vaccinations are adopted to control some contagious poultry diseases, as vaccination alone is not enough to control diseases in field conditions. By implementing the biosecurity steps at all the stages of farming will help to avoid outbreaks of diseases. Thus, the practice of biosecurity measures is a beneficial approach for the successful management of the poultry industry.

Biosecurity helps keep out diseases, reduces the risks, limits the spread of disease, improves the overall health of the flock, reduces mortality losses, improves profitability.

Biosecurity is critical to the future of the poultry industry. While there are vaccines and antibiotics to assist, it will be necessary to prevent and eliminate disease agents if the poultry industry is to prosper. The primary method of spreading disease-causing microorganisms between poultry flocks is the use of contaminated equipment or exposure to contaminated clothing and footwear of humans.

Disease outbreaks among farm animals can cause significant economic damage. However, you can limit the impact through preventative and control measures.
You must ensure that you follow biosecurity procedures, such as cleaning and disinfecting premises and vehicles.

Protecting poultry flocks from microorganism contamination is an extremely important component of the commercial poultry production environment. The introduction of a highly pathogenic, contagious disease organism into poultry flocks could result in serious economic consequences for producers. The effectiveness of a biosecurity program can be optimized by regional participation. While any level of biosecurity is helpful, if all poultry producers in a given area utilize the best management programs, the program as a whole will be more effective. Practicing sound biosecurity procedures every day as part of the best management program will help reduce the possibility of contracting a disease and will reduce the spread of disease should an outbreak occur.

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