Home Dairy Articles Management of Dairy Cattle in Winter Season

Management of Dairy Cattle in Winter Season


In India in few states there is extreme weather conditions were found, Temperature go’s down the far below than normal in such metrological condition animal as well as human can’t perform his normal physiological functions smoothly. During December – January month such condition is on the peak. In such adverse climatic condition proper management of livestock is a great challenge we have to take care of animals spicily lactating and pregnant one. Following parameters, we need to consider for proper farm management in winter.

Shelter Management:- Shelter management is a key factor to overcome on adverse climatic conditions. Cartons must be used if you are keeping animals in the loose housing system to stop the flow of cold wind at the animal level. It is possible with readily available materials like Bamboo, Tadpatri, dry grasses, paddy straw guinea bags, jute bags, etc.

Sunlight is the best medium to keep farm free from infection access of direct sunlight inside the shade will allow to keep farm free from infectious agents and it is readily available source but in case of winter sunlight availability go’s less day is short and most of the time its cloudy and fog is there. We have to think for another alternative. It is also advisable that animals should be exposed to direct sunlight most important thing is floor should not remain wet, the drainage system should be standard, and ask labor to clean the shed 3 times a day to maintain hygienic conditions. In this season various diseases like Pneumonia, Fever diarrhea is common. If we not put proper attention than there is the possibility of death also.

B) Bedding Management:-suitable bedding is one of the important factor to keep animals warm in cold climatic conditions 4-6 inches depth bedding is advisable for large animals and 2 inches for small animals. Direct contact with floor lead to more loss of body temperature so it advisable to keep away. Paddy straw dry grass wheat busa etc should be used for bedding purpose nowadays commercial material is also available to keep animals warm which also protect from adverse climatic conditions. Good ventilation is also important factor to keep farm hygienic which also help to expel ammonia gasses from shed.

C) Personal Hygiene&Nutrition:-animals must cleaned regularly with clean and soft material or brush . Hair should not be clipped during this season .bathing with cold water should be avoided.

 Always try to provide good quality nutrition and a balanced diet. During winter climate temperature go’s down up to 100 C to 50 C for proper physiological function body temperature should be maintain at 1010 C to 1020 C to keep the body warm above the environmental temperature. Body requires extra supplementation of protein & Energy. Berseem is the most easily available green fodder which contain high protein and water which support and help for lactating as well as growing animals. Concentrate cake are also option for optimum energy production subject to economic conditions. If green grasses is not available than 20-30 kg of leguminous fodder can be used with 10 kg of wheat bhusa for feeding large animals. Apart from above 3 kg of concentrate mixture will be helpful to maintain the body temperature. Good quality 40-50 kg green fodder also provide the required energy to the animals which ensure up to 10 lit of milk production.

D) Prevention:-In this season need to take care of Nitrate toxicity and blot conditions for this leguminous fodder should be mixed with either nonleguminous or wheat bhusa etc. adding of 2% mineral mixture like Alvite M chelated and 1% salt in concentrate feeding is helpful. Product like KHURAK, SHARKOFERROL-VET  and ALVITE –M chelated mineral mixture is highly beneficial to maintain animal health during this adverse climatic condition. Clean fresh lukewarm water should be given to the animals for proper physiological health.

Regular deworming is beneficial to reduce the worm load MINTHAL bolus and MECTIN Inj is the best remedy to keep control over Endoparasites.

For other best alternative remedies vet advice is preferable.  

Dr.Sanjay K Latkar,

Alembic Pharmaceuticals Ltd Mumbai


Email: – sanjay.latkar@alembic.co.in