Home Dairy Mobile Veterinary Ambulance Services at Farmer’s doorstep

Mobile Veterinary Ambulance Services at Farmer’s doorstep


The Central Government is implementing a scheme viz. Establishment & Strengthening of Veterinary Hospitals & Dispensaries – Mobile Veterinary Unit (ESVHD-MVU), with an aim to provide veterinary services at farmer’s doorstep by mobile veterinary units.

The scheme provides 100% financial assistance towards non-recurring expenditure on the procurement of mobile veterinary units and central share towards recurring expenditure (90:10 for the North Eastern States & Himalayan States, 100% for Union territories, and 60:40 for all other States) on running of these mobile veterinary units for the delivery of veterinary services at farmer’s doorstep.

 The Government has received a proposal from the State Government of Telangana for the release of central assistance under Establishment & Strengthening of Veterinary Hospitals & Dispensaries – Mobile Veterinary Unit (ESVHD- MVU). Accordingly, a sum of Rs.16.00 Crore has been released for procurement of 100 Mobile Veterinary Units (MVUs) during the current financial year.