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Quadripartite partners organize High-Level One Health Meeting in collaboration with the Brazil’s Ministry of Health at the G20 Summit


Quadripartite partners organize High-Level One Health Meeting in collaboration with the Brazil’s Ministry of Health at the G20 Summit

The Quadripartite collaboration on One Health – comprising the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) –  co-organized the G20 High-Level Meeting on One Health on 30 October 2024.

This event featured a panel discussion titled “Creating an Enabling Environment for One Health Implementation,” emphasizing the critical need for robust governance and multisectoral coordination to advance the One Health approach, supported by real-life examples from various countries.

The One Health approach is essential for achieving optimal health outcomes by integrating efforts across human, animal, plant, and environmental health. Building on the advocacy efforts during the G20 presidencies of Indonesia (2022) and India (2023), Brazil’s leadership in 2024 reaffirms the importance of maintaining momentum in One Health implementation and calls on G20 countries to strengthen their commitments.

The panel discussion aimed to foster dialogue and create an enabling environment for One Health at global, regional, and national levels. It highlighted the necessity of effective governance, multisectoral coordination, legal frameworks, political commitment, and sustainable financing to tackle global health challenges.

Ministerial speakers from G20 countries shared valuable insights and experiences, facilitating knowledge exchange to identify collaborative efforts that can enhance impact. Engaging high-level leaders reinforced the commitment of G20 nations to advance One Health implementation and laid the groundwork for future collaboration.

“In Brazil, we launched the Interinstitutional Technical Committee for One Health, with the aim to establish a national plan for this subject. This is one of our priority agendas at the G20. We must prepare our countries for the challenges posed by climate change and its consequences for human health. We live in a world with multiple and overlapping crises, such as the climate, health, economic, food, and energy crises. This is a debate that can no longer be postponed and demands immediate responses,” said Dr Nísia Trindade, Minister of Health of Brazil.

“The G20 Health Ministerial Declaration represents a vital step towards integrating a One Health approach globally. FAO brings expertise and capacities in aquatic and terrestrial animal health and production, food and feed safety, crop production, soil and water management to implement One Health in Agrifood systems for global health and food security. FAO welcomes this commitment, as it reaffirms the need for a united strategy to address the complex, interconnected health challenges we face today. Through collaboration across human, animal, plant, and ecosystem health sectors, we can build stronger, more resilient health systems that safeguard both people and our planet.,” said Thanawat Tiensin, Director, FAO Assistant Director-General and Director Animal Production and Health Division.

“We will strengthen One Health when we move beyond the traditional sectors of public and veterinary health to include environmental and social sciences. I call on the G20 to give every voice, every discipline and every sector equal weight and start focusing more on preventative actions. Doing so will save lives. Save money. Boost the health of people, the planet, and foster prosperity,” Stated Ligia Noronha, Assistant Secretary-General and Head of UNEP’s New York Office.

“WHO’s role extends far beyond the more visible aspects of responding to health crises—it is committed to prevention, preparedness, and building resilient, sustainable health systems. The new 14th General Programme of Work reflects WHO’s dedication to One Health, rooted in its mission to safeguard global health security, protect the vulnerable with essential health services, and promote well-being for all.” stated Dr Michael Ryan, Deputy Director-General, WHO Health Organization. “One Health should not be a slogan but a concrete outcome that benefits all countries and communities.”

“The G20’s commitment to advancing the One Health approach marks a crucial step in safeguarding global health. By fostering coordinated action across sectors, we can better prevent, prepare for, and respond to health threats. The World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) is committed to bringing its unique expertise in animal health, and within the Quadripartite, in supporting Veterinary Services the key players of global health systems. We are proud to be part of this global movement to build resilient health systems and protect the well-being of all,” stated Dr Emmanuelle Soubeyran, WOAH Director-General.

As the G20 continues to prioritize One Health, the discussions and insights from this meeting underscore the collaborative efforts the Quadripartite has been undertaking with the G20. They also reflect the G20 Health Ministerial Declaration on Climate Change, Health and Equity, and One Health, which emphasizes the critical importance of the One Health Joint Plan of Action (2022-2026) and the Guide to implementing the One Health Joint Plan of Action. This declaration recognizes the invaluable contributions of the One Health High-Level Expert Panel (OHHLEP) in providing scientific advice that supports evidence-based policymaking.

Together, the Quadripartite are committed to supporting G20 countries in strengthening One Health governance and providing robust technical support for resilient health systems. This high-level event marks a significant step toward fostering coordinated action and enhancing collaboration across sectors, ultimately contributing to improved health outcomes for all.