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Steps by Department of Animal Husbandry to promote poultry

the importance of managing dietary electrolyte balance (dEB) so too should we see the benefits of managing the dEB of our animals.
the importance of managing dietary electrolyte balance (dEB) so too should we see the benefits of managing the dEB of our animals.

Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying has taken various steps to promote poultry (including eggs), and these are as follows:

  1. Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development Fund (AHIDF) of Rs 15000 Cr is being implemented since June 2020. One of the objectives of the scheme is to fulfill the objective of protein enriched quality food requirement of the growing population of the country and prevent malnutrition. As far as Poultry development is concerned, the following activities have been included for availing credit under AHIDF.
    1. Technologically assisted Poultry Farms (Technologically assisted, Layer Farm with environmentally controlled system, Broiler Breeder Farm with environmentally controlled system and Hatcheries with environmentally controlled facilities)
    2. Meat processing and value addition infrastructure,
    3. Establishment of animal feed plant (Poultry feed).

Eligible beneficiaries like Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs), Micro Small and Medium Enterprises, Section 8 Companies, Private Companies and individual entrepreneur availing credit facilities will get 90% loan for which 3% interest subvention are provided by the Central Government. The Central Government is also providing Credit Guarantee of 25% of total borrowings for those projects which are fulfilling the definition of MSME projects.

  1. Further, under National Livestock Mission, for development of Entrepreneurs in Rural Poultry, the central Government is providing 50% subsidy upto Rs 25.00 Lakh to establish Parent Farm, Rural Hatchery, brooder cum mother unit for Production of Hatching Eggs with minimum 1000 parent layers and Chicks and rearing of the said chick upto four week in the mother unit. The eligible entities are Self Help Group (SHG)/Farmers Producer Organizations organisations(FPO)/Farmers Cooperatives organisations (FCOs)/Joint Liability Groups (JLGs) and Section 8 companies. Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying has developed an online portal for a completely digitized Process with all the important documents to be uploaded on the portal nlm.udyamimitra.in.
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