The Maharashtra government and the World Bank have partnered to launch the SMART Agtech Integration Facility 2022, which aims to transform rural Maharashtra through disruptive agricultural technologies (DATs). This facility is currently accepting applications from DAT solution providers with a presence in India for digital and technical innovations in agriculture.
The facility will allow selected DAT solution providers to collaborate directly with Maharashtra’s Community Based Organizations (CBOs) to implement transformative solutions.
The facility is part of the Hon. Balasaheb Thackeray Agribusiness and Rural Transformation (SMART) project, aims to enable smallholder farmers to participate in competitive agriculture value chains, facilitate agri-business investments, increase market access and productivity, and improve crop resilience to recurrent floods and droughts in the state.
Facilitating DAT adoption among CBOs in the state is a key sub-component of the project. The SMART Agtech Integration Facility 2022 will identify relevant DAT solution providers and facilitate interactions between technology providers and CBOs so that appropriate solutions can be customized and adopted.
The project’s main goal is to make it easier for CBOs in the state to adopt DATs. The SMART Agtech Integration Facility 2022 will identify relevant DAT solution providers and facilitate interactions between them and CBOs to enable customization and adoption of appropriate solutions.
The SMART AgTech Integration Facility is looking for DAT solution providers to help them implement digitization solutions for farmer cooperatives, build value chain actor aggregation platforms, enable precision agriculture and automation services, work with urban food systems and logistics solutions, develop market linkage and traceability solutions, and make financial services more accessible.