Home Poultry Poultry Venkateshwara B V Bio-Corp Private Limited organised Technical seminars.

Venkateshwara B V Bio-Corp Private Limited organised Technical seminars.

Venkateshwara B V Bio-Corp Private Limited organised Technical seminars.
Venkateshwara B V Bio-Corp Private Limited organised Technical seminars.

VENKATESHWARA BV BIO-CORP PVT LTD organized two Technical seminars for commercial Layer Farmers on18th at Musiri and 19th January 2024 at Thalaivasal, Namakkal. The topic discussed during seminar-

Mr. R. Murugesan, Zonal Manager, welcomed all attendees and introduced the speakers for the technical seminar.

Dr. A. Kandasamy- AGM-Technical, discussed current disease challenges in commercial layers and proper vaccination for layer. He suggested to use of updated vaccines & control of mycoplasma to ensure sufficient protection against disease problems. This will also help to achieve desired performance.

Dr. Sambha ji Nimbalkar- Technical Manager, discussed regarding Premix and premixing technology. He elaborated benefits of homogenous premix and innovative premix solutions to simplify the feed manufacturing and also to avoid errors during feed production especially premixing. The innovative solution includes Mixiblend 0.4 % premix for Layers.

Dr. R. Venkatvasan–discussed importance of water sanitation. He suggested to regular monitoring of physical, microbial and chemical qualities of water. Benefits of continuous water sanitation, challenges in water sanitation and solution for this were also discussed.

Dr. A. Kandasamy and Dr Sambha ji Nimbalkar answered the queries of the attendees related to the subject and other technical queries regarding layer nutrition, Vaccination and management.

The Technical Seminar was attended by Layer farmers of Musiri, Thalaivasal, Attur and surrounding areas. Local VHPL chick’s sale team also helped for coordination and organization of these seminars.

Mr. R. Murugesan, Zonal Manager proposed vote of thanks.