Home Poultry Venkateshwara B. V Biocorp Pvt. Ltd organized Layer Farmer meetings on “Optimizing...

Venkateshwara B. V Biocorp Pvt. Ltd organized Layer Farmer meetings on “Optimizing Layer Nutrition” at Shirdi and Nanaj, Maharashtra


Venkateshwara B. V Biocorp Pvt. Ltd organized layer farmer meetings on optimizing layer nutrition on 21st & 22nd Nov. 2024 at Shirdi and Nanaj, Dist. Ahilyanagar, Maharashtra.  Theses meeting were attended by 160 layer farmers. 

The main topic was about early chick nutrition and gut health management to optimize the egg production. It provided meaningful information about current and future challenges in layer production and management to all farmers.

 The session was started by Mr. Ram Ghate –AGM, West India with warm welcome to all layer farmers.

 The technical session started with “Early Chick Nutrition and Gut Health Management”. The keynote speaker Dr. Sunil S. Nadgauda, DGM- Technical and Nutrition Venkateshwara B. V Biocorp Pvt. Ltd, discussed about how critical is the early chick nutrition for developing gut health and strategies to develop the digestive system in early life. He explained that development of early gut microflora is very important for chicks as the digestive tract is practically sterile environment at the time of hatching. The microflora in the gastro intestinal tract grows slowly after hatching. Also, he discussed about pullet and layer nutrition useful for improving performance with optimizing the cost.

 Laying hens’ productivity has changed dramatically over the last few years. The modern-day laying hen can produce 500 eggs in 100 weeks with improved feed efficiency. Preparation of good laying hen is of prime importance and needs to be considered from the chick’s stage. We can produce a good laying hen by producing a good pullet. It is very difficult to produce a good laying hen out of a poor pullet.

 Another important topic was “ Eggxtra 5% layer composite premixes for quality feed production”. Dr. Sunil Jadhav, Manager-Technical, Venkateshwara B. V Biocorp Pvt. Ltd. discussed about the practical difficulties while preparing well balanced composite premixes at feed mill level and one stop solutions for that. He further explained that uniform homogenous mixing and dispersion of different macro and micro ingredients are very critical for quality feed production.

 This technical seminar was very insightful for all layer farmers.