Home Dairy INDIAN FEDERATION OF ANIMAL HEALTH COMPANIES (INFAH) organized 12th Annual General Meeting...

INDIAN FEDERATION OF ANIMAL HEALTH COMPANIES (INFAH) organized 12th Annual General Meeting on 23rd September 2023, at Mumbai

INDIAN FEDERATION OF ANIMAL HEALTH COMPANIES (INFAH) ORGANISED12thAnnual GeneralMeeting on 23rd September 2023, at Mumbai
INDIAN FEDERATION OF ANIMAL HEALTH COMPANIES (INFAH) ORGANISED12thAnnual GeneralMeeting on 23rd September 2023, at Mumbai

Indian Federation of Animal Health Companies (INFAH) held its 12th Annual General Body Meeting on 23rd Sep2023 at “Hotel The West in Mumbai Garden City”. Emerging trends in AH sector & a picture gallery showcasing key INFAH activities for 2022-2023 were displayed at the venue. The AGM was attended by~ 100 industry colleagues representing Indian animal health industry.

On 23rd Sep 2023 during the Inaugural session Dr. Ram Prakash delivered a welcome note.  He appreciated the enthusiastic participation of members & the delegates.

Presidential address was given by Dr. Vijay Makhija reinforcing the INFAHs motto of Healthy Animals, Healthier India. INFAH is recognized as unified force of AH companies having member strength as 57. INFAH plays the role of a catalyst in shaping policy framework to unlock and unleash the potential of the Indian Animal Husbandry and Animal Health sector in line with the National Priorities of Atma Nirbhar Bharat, ensuring the access of all classes of veterinary medicines and animal health products to the benefit of animal health and welfare promoting their responsible use. INFAHs objective has been that the Animal owners especially the Farmers should stand to be benefitted and in the process their income levels should go up significantly. INFAHs focus has been to foster a greater understanding of animal health and the importance of the ‘One Health’ approach & focus on preventing Zoonosis. INFAH is committed to work closely with Government and Research Institutions to promote seamless availability of Vaccines and newer Technology Solutions focused on disease prevention and mitigation.

The inaugural session was addressed by Chief Guest Dr. Abhijit Mitra Animal Husbandry Commissioner DADF, New Delhi.  Dr. Mitra highlighted the various initiatives undertaken by the Government towards Disease Mitigation & Improving Farm Productivity. Dr. Mitra   stressed on collaboration between INFAH and DADF for enhancing Animal Husbandry and Animal Health in India. INFAH members had the unique opportunity of listening & interacting with Animal Husbandry Commissioner.

Dr. P S Mahesh Joint Commissioner & Director of Centre of Excellence of Animal husbandry ( CEAH)  shared his views on the topic of Future Trends in Indian Poultry Sector , Mr. Shiva Mudgil , Food & Agri Business Services , International Finance Corporation ( World Bank ) shared insights on Growth Opportunities in Animal Husbandry Sector, Mr.  Manish Singh QSRC Advisor Consumer & Food Services Global Markets Fonterra Brands Singapore Pvt. Ltd. shared experiences regards to Dairy Value Chain – Evolution & Challenges .

In the post lunch session, John Rollins Director Pharmexcil shared insights on Export Opportunities for Indian Animal Health Companies, a presentation on Talent & Reward Trends in Animal Health was made by Mr. Arvind Ladha, Ms. Nidhi Lal & Mr. Adrish Singh the Team from Mercer, and Dr. D K Dey delivered a presentation about Data Manthan – Veterinary Market Research.

Delegates got an opportunity to interact with the invited speakers during the networking session.

Two distinguished personalities, Dr. T.G Chandra Mohan and Mr. Sunil Madhok, were conferred with INFAH Awards 2023.  Delegates were enlightened & felt inspired to learn the spectacular journeys of these two leaders.

Dr. Shirish Nigam General Secretary INFAH presented the full year activity report for 2022-2023. Key achievements as under:

  • Successful Organization of National Seminar on theme Disease Mitigation & Farm Productivity engaging Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Drug Controller General of India office, Principal Scientific Advisor Office, Veterinary Council of India, Indian Pharmacopeia Commission, ICAR, IVRI, FSSAI, Health for Animals, GALV med
  • Published White Paper on Veterinary use of Antibiotics vis-a -vis emergence of AMR- Indian Animal Healthcare Industry Perspective by INFAH, having estimation of Antimicrobial Usage (AMU) in India for animal use.
  • Published Vision Document Ayurveda in Animal Health Care, released during 9th World Ayurveda Congress and International conclave on Pashu Ayurveda
  • Contributed towards policy initiative of DADF on National Action Plan on AMR 2.0 (2022-2026)
  • INFAHs recommendations for Pre Budget proposals 2023-2024: Seeking clarity on classification of animal feed supplements and feed additives under correct Chapter Headings of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 and request for release of Bank Guarantees submitted by importers.
  • Representations to DADF: on inclusion of additional Animal Feed Supplements / Additives for facilitating swift importation, INFAH members comments on Guideline for conducting clinical trial/field trial pertaining to the vaccines for veterinary use.
  • Representations to IPC: Veterinary Vaccines General Chapter Requirements, Deletion / Waiver of Target Animal Batch Safety Tests (TABST)
  • Representation to VCI: addendum to be incorporated in the Draft Minimum Standards of Veterinary Practice Regulation 2023 (MSVPR)
  • INFAH Outreach Programme in collaboration with VCI on Career Opportunities for in the Animal Health Industry which was attended by more than 1000 Veterinary Students.
  • Development of Draft Standard Operating Procedures for Good Marketing Practices
  • Enhancing Market Access & boosting exports of Animal Health Care products in Collaboration with Pharmexcil, showcased INFAH at Pet Fair Southeast Asia organized by VNU Exhibitions at Thailand
  • INFAH Connect Digital initiatives – Successfully conducted Webinars- Impact of Union Budget 2023-2024 on Animal Husbandry sector, AMR-An Animal Healthcare Perspective.
  • Presented INFAH views at the launch of Animal Pandemic Preparedness Initiative (APPI) and Animal Health System Support for One Health (AHSSOH), Why ONE HEALTH matters at IPR Radio Podcast
  • INFAH presentation at the ICAR-Industry Stakeholder Consultation meet by Agrinnovate India Ltd
  • Presented INFAH views on the Role of Animal Health in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals
  • INFAH received Indian Poultry Journalist Association of India (IPJA) Appreciation Award for the year 2022, in recognition of significant contribution to the Indian Poultry Industry

Dr. P.G. Phalke, Treasurer conducted the AGM proceedings& thanked members for exemplary support. INFAH Members participated in the electoral process for selecting Managing Committee for the year 2023-2025 term. Mr. N.M. Sampat Returning Officer conducted the electoral process. During the Members Forum a wide range of topics were discussed by members for Ease of Doing Business & towards the betterment of AH sector.

AGM concluded on a very positive note with a resolve to continue the contribution of INFAH towards betterment of the Industry and Society.

Post AGM Managing Committee members selected the Office Bearers & the Managing Committee Members for the term 2023-2025, details are as under:

  1. Dr. Shirish Nigam (President)
  2. Dr. Aman Sayed (Vice President)
  3. Dr. Ram Prakash (General Secretary)
  4. Dr. Anup Kalra (Joint Secretary)
  5. Dr. Manoj Sood (Treasurer)
  6. Mr. Gautam Chatterjee
  7. Dr. Vinayak Surve
  8. Mr. Sushanta Dey
  9. Ms. Ashwini Deshpande
  10. Dr. Vijay Makhija
  11. Mr. Vijay Teng
  12. Dr. Arun Atrey
  13. Mr. Satish Pasrija

It was also decided that Dr. P.G. Phalke shall function as Director – INFAH Secretariat.

Moreover Dr. D. K. Dey was nominated as Honorary Member of INFAH, and his expertise shall be utilized as an Advisor to INFAH / Subcommittees.