Home Dairy Articles Lumpy skin Disease : A threat to Dairy Animals

Lumpy skin Disease : A threat to Dairy Animals



Lumpy skin disease is a viral disease caused by Lumpy skin disease virus of genus capripoxviridae and family poxviridae. LSD is infectious and vector borne, non-zoonotic disease and have host range limited to cattle and buffalo(river). Arthropods vectors like biting flies, mosquitoes, and ticks are responsible for spread of Lumpy Skin Disease. Previously this disease was endemic to African countries but now days LSD affected the whole globe. Worldwide first case of LSD was reported in Zambia, a country of African continent in 1929. At that time LSD was limited to southern and western Africa. In year 2019,OIE confirmed outbreak of LSD in China and Bangladesh.

In the same year, Mayurbhanj district of Odisha state reported India’s first case of LSD. The cause of this disease transmission in India is unknown, it may have been cause through the movement of animals through international boundaries or either through movement of vector from neighbouring nations. After outbreak of LSD in India it spread among 15 states and affected thousands of bovines. India ranks first in milk production in world and embrace large population of cattle 193 million and buffalo 109.85 million(19th livestock census) which provide living to millions of small and marginal farmers and make a considerable contribution to national agricultural economy. This disease become matter of concern because it causes vast economic loss, severe pain and death to animal, so it become essential to know efficient disease management and appropriate planning.  


Lumpy skin disease is caused by Lumpy skin disease virus which belongs to family poxviridae and genus capripoxviridae. LSDV contains a double stranded DNA genome and is an enveloped virus. Another members of genus capripoxviridae are sheep pox virus and goat pox virus. The SPV,GPV and LSDV have similar genetic identity(approximately 95%) and have strong antigenic homology. The virus can survive for long time under ambient climatic conditions. Virus remains active in necrotic skin nodules for 33 days, dehydrated skin scabs for 35 days and 18 days in surface dried leather.

Transmission of disease

The prime route of transmission for this disease is Mechanical transmission. In countries like Africa, Egypt and Ethiopia where LSD is endemic, Incidence of this disease increase with starting of seasonal rains. The decrease in incidence during dry conditions with few or no insects has proved insect vector’s role in spread of this disease. The arthropod vectors involved in transmission of this disease are Mosquitoes(ades, culex), Ticks(amblyomma spp., rhipicephalus spp.), Biting flies(stomoxys and biomyia). These arthropods either bite or feed on blood. Apart from mechanical transmission this disease also spread through direct contact with infected animal, from infected mother to foetus and from mother to calf via milk secretion. Use of single needle in treatment of infected and healthy animal elevates risk of transmission.

Host Range 

Since lumpy skin disease virus, goat pox virus and sheep pox virus share 95% similarity in structure, the susceptible hosts are cattle and buffalo only. Sheep and goat are found unaffected even when remain in close contact with infected animals.

Clinical signs As the virus enter in animal body, biphasic fever starts. After 3-4 days of fever formation of nodule initiates with Ocular and nasal discharge. Affected animal suffer from agalactia and emaciation. Pox lesions are found on mucus of alimentary canal and respiratory tract. Nodules are generalised on whole body are painful and persist upto 15 days. Nodules developed into papules, vesicles, pustules, and exudate before gradually forming scabs. Healing of these lesions is extremely slow and enlargement of regional lymph nodes is seen. Lumpy skin disease leads to pneumonia due to inhalation of exudate by animal. Mastitis, Pneumonia and maggot wound are common sequalae after this disease. Recovery of animal is slow because of secondary bacterial infections. Both male and female infected from lumpy skin disease remains infertile for some time and in pregnant female abortion may occur.

Economic Loss

Lumpy skin disease cause significant economic loss due severe emaciation of animals, poor hide quality, reduction in milk yield, abortion and degradation in reproductive efficiency of male and females. This disease affects quality and trade of animals and animal related by products. The financial loses are high in leather, meat and milk industry and other industries dealing with animal products. Industries are not only who suffers, Small and marginal farmers which rear livestock as source of livelihood suffer from economic loss and supportive treatment of this disease adds extra burden to such farmers.

Management, Prevention and control

Proper awareness and efficient management can help to prevent the spread of disease, infected animal can take one month to recover but proper management helps to prevent infection in unaffected animals.

Limit the movement of animals– Animals which graze on pasture lands are at high risk as they can get infection from other animals. Quarantine measures should be applied for new animal  introduced in herd. If animal show symptoms of lumpy skin disease, isolate the animal.

Limit the vectors– Vector control is the important aspect for this disease because vector play significant role in transmission. Proper hygiene in shed helps to control flies, mosquito and ticks.

Disinfection and hygiene– Use disinfectants like phenyl, potassium permanganate solution to clean the floor. Spray 2-3 %  solution of sodium hypochlorite in sheds. Smoke of cow dung cake with neem leaves and camphor helps to control mosquito and flies.

Management of infected animal– As animal shows symptom, isolate the animal. Separate the arrangement of feeding and watering. Provide good quality fodder, plenty of water to sick animal. Provide symptomatic treatment as directed by veterinarian. In case of mortality dispose the carcass by burial method and disinfect the shed and utensils of infected animal.  

Vaccination– Vaccination should be done in completely healthy animals, infected animals and animals in close contact with infected animals should not be vaccinated. In year 2022 ICAR launces first indigenous lumpy skin vaccine named Lumpi-ProVacInd which contain live attenuated virus. Earlier the sheeppox and goatpox vaccines were used as LSDV, SPV and GPV share 95% of structural similarity. Several vaccines were available in various countries like Bovivax by MCI Sante Animale, Morocco, Lumpyvax by MSD Animal Health-Intervet, South Africa and Neethling strain like Lumpy Skin Disease Vaccine for Cattle by Onderstepoort Biological Products, South Africa.

Treatment– There is no effective treatment of Lumpy skin disease. Symptomatic treatment includes administration of antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), anti-histamines and multivitamins. Ethnoveterinary/Traditional treatment suggested by National dairy development board (NDDB) includes two methods

  1. For oral Administration- It include 2 preparations
  2. 10 gram of salt, 10 gram of black pepper and 10 number of betel leaves are blended to form a fine paste and mixed with jaggery. Feed one dose of this preparation in every three hours for first day and from second day provide three times a day i.e., morning, afternoon and evening upto two weeks. Prepare fresh dose every time.
  3. 10 gram of coriander, ginger, cumin black pepper, bay leaves, turmeric powder and 30 grams of chiraita powder, one handful of tulsi, neem, sweet basil and bel patra leaves, two pearls of garlic, two shallots and five betel leaves are blended to mix a fine paste and freshly prepared doses are feed with jaggery at every three hours on first day and in two doses morning and evening from second day till condition resolves.
  4. For external application- One handful of Acalypha indica, mehndi, neem and tulsi leaves, ten pearls of garlic and 20 grams of turmeric powder are blended thoroughly and boiled in coconut or sesame oil. Cool down the oil and apply on ruptured nodules after cleaning the wound. Camphorated oil or Anona leaves(custard apple) paste is used for first day if maggots are present in  wound.


Lumpy skin disease affects cattle and buffalo which are main contributor to dairy sector. This disease causes wide range of economic loss not only locally but globally as it affected import and export of various livestock products. India has large population of cattle and buffalo and livestock rearing is major livelihood source for small and marginal farmers, control of this disease becomes necessary to protect livestock population. Effective vaccination strategy by government and awareness among farmers for vector control, isolation and quarantine policy and management of infected animal can prevent major loss from this disease.


Anmol Pareek

Anmol Pareek1, Asma Khan2, Biswajit Brahma3, Dipanjali Konwar3

1M.V.Sc Scholar, 2Professor & Head, 3Professor

Division of Livestock Production Management, F.V.Sc&AH, SKUAST-Jammu