Home Dairy Tetra Pak Endorses the Paris Dairy Declaration on Sustainability at COP29

Tetra Pak Endorses the Paris Dairy Declaration on Sustainability at COP29


Tetra Pak Endorses the Paris Dairy Declaration on Sustainability at COP29

The Paris Dairy Declaration on Sustainability, an initiative launched by the International Dairy Federation (IDF) and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) at the IDF World Dairy Summit in October 2024 in Paris, was endorsed by Tetra Pak, a world leader in food processing and packaging solutions, at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of Parties (COP) 29 in Baku, Azerbaijan, on 19 November 2024.

The Paris Dairy Declaration on Sustainability reiterates and reinforces the dairy sector’s commitment to a sustainable transition of the whole value chain within all dimensions environmental, social and economic. The Declaration brings to light the tangible commitments undertaken by dairy operators worldwide towards the various UN Sustainable Development Goals, and sends a clear message to governments, decision-makers and the public on the dynamism of the dairy sector. The Paris Dairy Declaration continues the journey, initiated by the Dairy Declaration of Rotterdam in 2016, to answer the call of the UN 2030 agenda to leave no one behind.

The endorsement took place at the Swedish Pavilion at COP during a bilateral meeting between IDF President Mr. Gilles Froment and Tetra Pak’s Executive Vice President for Processing Solutions and Equipment, Mr. Charles Brand.

“This endorsement by a leading company like Tetra Pak amplifies the impact of the Paris Dairy Declaration on Sustainability and exemplifies the global dairy sector’s commitment to climate action and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We extend an invitation to all dairy organizations and leaders to sign and endorse the Declaration,” said Mr. Gilles Froment, IDF President.

“The Paris Dairy Declaration on Sustainability is an important statement on the dairy sector’s commitment to a sustainable transformation of the whole value chain. Tetra Pak has a long history in the dairy industry, with sustainability at the heart of that journey. Dairy is at the core of our food systems targets where we commit to driving change and being a positive influence on the way food systems can work in the future. We see from our customers a clear desire to drive transformative change.  This declaration supports that journey and that is why we are happy to endorse it here today.” added Charles Brand, Executive Vice President, Processing Solutions and Equipment, Tetra Pak.

The purpose of the IDF Paris Declaration on Sustainability is to highlight the tangible commitments made by dairy operators across the various pillars of sustainability—climate, nutrition, health, economic security, and natural resource stewardship—while conveying to governments, decision-makers, and the public the dynamism and dedication of the dairy sector.